Extensive Neurotransmitter Profile

Pinpoint and treat the cause, so you can cope with the stresses life throws at you!

A simple urine test can assess these neurotransmitter levels…

  • Serotonin*
  • GABA*
  • Dopamine
  • Noradrenalin
  • Adrenalin
  • Glutamate

* These neurotransmitters calm you down and make you happy, whilst the others assist with addiction and provide energy, motivation, and focus.

The above 6 neurotransmitters play a role in mood disorders, hormones, sleep, blood sugar balance, pain perception, appetite, and cognitive function.

Extensive Neurotransmitter Profile

In any one year, around 1 million Australian adults have depression, and over 2 million have anxiety – Beyond Blue

A neurotransmitter imbalance is seen in various mental health disorders, such as Depression, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Parkinson’s Disease and panic attacks!

Glutamine, which is an amino acid found in protein; is either converted to GABA, which is inhibitory – calms you down – or glutamate, which is excitatory – speeds you up.  Without optimal levels of the co-factors to create GABA , then your body will create glutamate instead, exacerbating anxiety.

Approximately 45% of people in Australia will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime!

Serotonin and GABA work synergistically, so if one is low, the other tends to overcompensate and becomes low with time!

Let me find the underlying cause and prescribe a specifically formulated supplement regime with diet and lifestyle recommendations to have you feeling great again!

‍Click on the download more info button to view the sample test report and head to my Diagnostics page to find out more about the Organic Acids, Stress and Sleep Profile diagnostic tests I offer

Start your journey

Professional advice and support from a qualified health care practitioner, who prescribes superior quality supplements that are well absorbed, hypoallergenic and tailored to your specific needs, are what make my programs some of the most effective programs available!

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